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Know Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) a little better

Published on: June 24, 2022 | Updated on : July 23, 2024 | By : Mohammad Suhel
Best Software Development Company

The testing trend and competency are shifting. More technical and process-oriented testers are now required. Testing is no longer confined to discovering flaws; it now has a broader scope and is necessary right from the start of a project, even before the requirements are finalized.

The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a set of activities that are carried out during the testing process to guarantee that software quality objectives are satisfied. A Software Development Company typically implements the STLC process, which consists of two parts: verification and validation. Software testing is not merely a single/isolated process, contrary to popular notion. It comprises a set of operations that are carried out in a methodical manner to assist with the certification of your software product. The Software Testing Life Cycle, commonly known as STLC, is an integral part of the software development process.

The Software Testing Life Cycle is a set or group of operations performed by the tester in order to ensure that the software application satisfies client requirements and is bug-free. A series of actions are conducted in a systematic manner to assist you to confirm the product item.A reputable quality assurance service provider can help your business keep the software current and tested on a regular basis. Let’s have a look at the role and phases of the software testing life cycle (STLC).

Phases of the STLC

Every Software Testing Life Cycle Model (STLC Model) has the following six majorsoftware testing phases:

Requirement Analysis

The QA team analyses the business requirements specification (BRS) document to identify the needs from a testing standpoint during the requirements analysis phase. This may necessitate the team to communicate with stakeholders to gain a better understanding of the requirements. If certain requirements are not tested, a mitigation strategy can be written instead.

Test Planning

In the STLC, Test Planning is the phase in which a Senior QA Manager establishes the test plan strategy, as well as the project’s effort and cost estimations. The resources, test environment, test constraints, and testing timetable are in the same step as the Test Plan is created and finalized.

Test case development

Following the preparation of the test strategy, the Test Case Development Phase covers the design, checking, and adjusting of experiments and test contents. In the context of Product Development, the test information is first differentiated, then created and discussed, and then altered based on the preconditions. The QA group then begins improving the interaction of experiments for individual units, ensuring that the product development process maintains high-quality standards throughout.

Test Environment setup

The Test Case Development Phase follows the completion of the test strategy and includes the design, verification, and revision of test cases and test scripts. The Test data is first identified, then prepared, examined, and modified in accordance with the preconditions. The QA team then begins the process of creating test cases for specific units.

Test Execution

Testers do the test execution step, which involves testing the program using the test plans and test cases that have been created. Executing test scripts, maintaining test scripts, and reporting defects are all part of the process. Bugs are reported to the developing team for rectification, and theirretesting is done.

Test Cycle closure

This is the final step of the Software Testing Life Cycle, and it entails a number of tasks such as creating test completion documents, gathering test completion matrices, and analyzing test results. Testing colleagues get together to discuss, inspect, and dismantle testing antiques in order to identify future systems that must be implemented, walking through activities from the current examination cycle. The idea is to get rid of measurement bottlenecks in future test cycles.

The Bottom Line

The sequence of changes from one form to another is referred to as a lifecycle in simple terms. These alterations can occur in both tangible and immaterial objects. From conception through retirement/death, every entity has a lifecycle.Software, in a similar way, is a separate entity. Testing, like software development, has a set of stages that must be followed in a specific order. If you want to learn more and get started on your company’s digital journey, contact IBR Infotech.

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